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Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Since my girls (yes, I am the proud dad of the world’s four best daughters) created this website for me, I have been trying to figure out how to share my love of rum. Hopefully, with the help of my rum-loving friend, Carl, we will be able to help you find and love some unique rums and have a laugh along the way. So now begins the adventure of The Rum Dad.

While there are many bottles that bear the name Rum, Ron, or Rhum, rums that we will be discussing will almost exclusively be “sipping” rums. Others can be the mixologists, but I enjoy a glass of straight rum with a single large ice cube.

Rum, when properly presented, is about the overall experience. Yes, it is mainly about the taste and smell, but the presentation must include a rum bottle. For me, one additional aspect of producing the perfect bottle of rum is social responsibility. With the three metrics of Taste, Responsibility, and Display, we (me and Carl) will discard our previous rating system and share out TRD score with you as we start back at the beginning.

Taste: Carl and I have developed our own way of measuring the enjoyment that we receive from sipping a glass of Rum. The initial taste must be pleasant, but substantial. The body or the taste on the tongue should be identifiable and not too sweet. And with any good rum, there should be an afterburn, but it should also be smooth. Add in a pleasant aroma and you have the four areas that we score a rum.

Responsibility: This has become a bigger issue to me as I have been reading about different rum manufacturers and manufacturing procedures. Companies have the responsibility to treat the people working with and for them ethically and with respect. Companies also have the responsibility to be honest and forthright with the consumer.

Display: The all-important rum bottle. I love a good rum bottle with a thick glass bottom and a unique shape. The color of the rum should also be visible.

Sit back and enjoy that glass of rum as we embark on this adventure of rum together.

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Created 2021 by the children of The Rum Dad as a Christmas present.

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